1. A: what's the charge for delivery? 托运费多少
B: 5 yuan each piece. 一件五元
2. A: Is there a restaurant car on the train? 这列火车上有餐车吗?
B: There is a buffet car on the train. 列车上有一节餐车
3. A: Can yon tell me how to go to the platform? 你能告诉我去站台怎么走吗?
B: That way please. 从那边
4. A: At which platform is the train 79? /Which platform id for the train 79?79次列车在哪个站台?
B: This side of platform3.3号站台的这一边。
5. A: Can I take this train to Shanghai? /Can this train take me to Shanghai? 我可以乘这列车去上海吗?
B: Yes .This is the right train. 是的,就是这列班车。
6. A: Is there an express for Nanjing? 去南京有快车吗?
B: The train for Nanjing has been canceled. 开往南京的列车已取消。
7. A: Is Suzhou on our route? 我们路过苏州吗?
B: Yes, Suzhou is on the route. 是的,路过。
8. A: What time does the train from Beijing get in? /When does the train from Beijing arrive? 北京来的列车什么时候进站?
B: It due in at 9:10.定于9点10分。
9. A: Does it stop at the next stop? 火车下一站停留吗?
B: Yes. It's a stopping train. 是的,这是一趟慢车。
10. A: What time do we get to Qingdao? 我们什么时候到青岛?
B: It takes about 4 hours so you will arrive just before 11. 路上要走4小时,所以你将在11点以前抵达。