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To see that businesses and the public benefit more from our reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services, we must cut red tape, level the playing field, provide greater convenience, and remove that last crucial hurdle.
In the past year, China’s development has faced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks and dangers both at home and abroad.
At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee, the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping was formally affirmed.
All regions and all government departments have steadily strengthened their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment.
GDP reached 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth, and seeing China outpace most other economies.
In agriculture, production was stable and structural adjustments were made.
The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million, including more than 2.4 million people relocated from inhospitable areas.
More than 6 million homes in rundown urban areas and over 3.8 million dilapidated rural houses were renovated.
8.面对的是国内结构性问题突出、风险隐患显现、经济下行压力加大的多重困难,面对的是改革进入攻坚期、利益关系深刻调整、影响社会稳定因素增多的复杂局面。 Domestically, China faced multiple difficulties: major structural problems, prominent risks and dangers, and mounting downward pressure on the economy. China found itself in a complex environment as reform entered a critical stage, profound changes took place affecting interests, and factors impacting social stability grew.
We stood firm in not adopting strong stimulus policies that would have had an economy-wide impact, and strived instead to maintain steady growth, adjust the structure, and guard against risks through reform and innovation.
We strengthened targeted and well-timed regulation on the basis of range-based regulation.
More local government bonds were issued to replace outstanding debts.
We also exercised category-based regulation over the real estate market.
We focused on five priority tasks —cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness —thereby improving the composition of supply.
Effective assistance was provided to laid-off employees.
Market-and law-based debt-to-equity swaps were carried out.
We also overhauled and standardized 192 items of intermediary services for government review.
establish a mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty
give greater autonomy to colleges and research institutes, and adopt profit distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge
The number of in-force Chinese patents issued in China passed the million mark.
The synergy building through coordinated development became more and more evident.
Central government inspections on environmental protection accountability were launched and violations of environmental protection laws were investigated and prosecuted.
We increased subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, basic pension payments, and other subsidies.
We worked scrupulously to ensure compliance with the Party Central Committee’s eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, took firm action to address formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and rigorously enforced the State Council’s three- point decision on curbing government spending.
We punished a number of corrupt officials in accordance with law, and the fight against corruption has built up irresistible momentum.
Economic prospects for different regions are divergent.
26.在住房、教育、医疗、养老、食品药品安全、 收入分配等方面,人民群众还有不少不满意的地方。
There are also many problems causing public concern in housing, education, healthcare, elderly care, food and drug safety, and income distribution.
Excess fees and charges being levied on businesses and difficulties facing individuals who want to access government services remain standout problems.
We still see problems of laws and regulations being enforced in a non-standard, unfair, or uncivil way.
A small number of government employees are lazy and neglectful of their duties or shirk responsibility。
ensure that macro-level policy is consistent, industrial policy is targeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism into the market, reform policy delivers outcomes, and social policy sees basic living needs are met
focus on supply-side structural reform
World economic growth remains sluggish, and both the deglobalization trend and protectionism are growing.
There are many uncertainties about the direction of the major economies’ policies and their spillover effects, and the factors that could cause instability and uncertainty are visibly increasing.
China has a solid material foundation, abundant human resources, a huge market, and a complete system of industries. It is making faster scientific and technological progress, and has a complete range of infrastructure.
Over the course of the year, the tax burden on businesses will be further eased by around 350 billion yuan, and business related fees will be further cut by around 200 billion yuan to benefit market entities.
36压缩非重点支出,减少对绩效不高项目的 预算安排。
We will scale down non-priority spending and cut budgets for projects that do not deliver desired outcomes.
37.各级政府要坚持过紧日子,中央部门要带头,一律按不低于5%的幅度压减一般性支出。 Governments at all levels should tighten their belts, and central government departments should take the lead by cutting no less than 5 percent of their general expenditures.
No increase in spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, or official hospitality is permitted
39. 挤出更多资金用于减税降费。
We will squeeze out more funds to cover cuts in taxes and fees.
40. 坚守节用裕民的正道。
We will keep government spending low and enrich our people.
41. 货币政策要保持稳健中性。
We will continue to pursue a prudent and neutral monetary policy.
42. 合理引导市场利率水平
see that market interest rates remain at an appropriate level
43. 疏通传导机制
improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy
44. 坚持汇率市场化改革方向。
The RMB exchange rate will be further liberalized.
45. 保持战略定力
keep our strategic focus
46. 这是一个化蛹成蝶的转型升级过程,既充 满希望又伴随阵痛,既非常紧迫又艰巨复杂。要勇往直前,坚决闯过这个关口。
Like the struggle from chrysalis to butterfly, this process of transformation and upgrading is filled with promise but also accompanied by great pain; it is urgent, formidable, and complicated. We should press forward with courage and get the job done.
47. 对群众反映强烈、期待迫切的问题,有条件 的要抓紧解决,把好事办好。
Where conditions permit, we will lose no time in solving problems about which the people have great concern and which demand speedy resolution.
48. 今年要再压减钢铁产能5000万吨左右,退 出煤炭产能1.5亿吨以上。
We will further reduce steel production capacity by around 50 million metric tons and shut down at least 150 million metric tons of coal production facilities.
49. 更多运用市场化法治化手段,有效处置“僵尸企业”
make more use of market- and law-based methods as we work to address the problems of“zombie enterprises”
We need to be clear that housing is for people to live in.
51. 加强房地产市场分类调控。
We will take more category-based and targeted steps to regulate the real estate market.
52. 让更多住房困难家庭告别棚户区,让广大人民群众在住有所居中创造新生活。
With these efforts, we will help more families struggling with housing to bid farewell to rundown areas, and see that with good roofs over their heads our people move on to better lives.
53. 促进企业盘活存量资产。
We need to see that the idle assets of enterprises are put to use.
54. 将企业负债降到合理水平
gradually reduce enterprise debt to an acceptable level
55. 全面清理规范政府性基金
completely overhaul government-managed funds
56. 清理取消行政审批中介服务违规收费。
Unauthorized fees charged by intermediaries for government review and approval will be overhauled or abolished.
57. 降低企业制度性交易成本
reduce government imposed transaction costs for businesses
58. 各有关部门和单位都要舍小利顾大义。
All government departments and agencies concerned should have in mind the overall interests of the country instead of their narrow departmental interests.
59. 严肃查处假脱贫、“被脱贫”、数字脱贫。
Stern measures will be taken to address deception, falsification, and the manipulation of numbers in poverty elimination work.
60. 确保脱贫得到群众认可、经得起历史检验。
We must see that the results of our poverty elimination earn the approval of our people and stand the test of time.